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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  July 10, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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violence, the review that blasting oakland plan to fight violence starting out with some dense fog this morning, but the heat is gone by the afternoon will tell you just how high coming up 880 through 0 quin, we will fall your morning commute coming up. there's some breaking news on of contra costa county where cruiser on the scene of a house fire. i just factor to this house fire. this house was fully involved and it is now gone. it was known as the christmas tree house. its the house that is the most
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decorated on christmas. we will show you some video later. the christmas house here in martinez is completely gone. i will get more information to you. can you give us an address or location? we are at 2201, one second, 20s 201 walnut streets. this is the famous house where all the people come by to see the christmas decorations. but right now it's gone. developing news out of
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oakland, people say no to a robber and get shot for it. it was a shooting in east oakland last night. the robber tried to rob them around and o'clock, the eight suspects shot them after they resisted and now they are expected to serve are prepared lease the is in oakland with the mixed results of the 90 day plan. oakland police spent $300,000 on the plan on the results. in the first area of the hominid sides were down but other crimes were up.
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car thefts and burglaries increased 5%. and rates were up 25%. when activists said that the city needs to start focusing on the children's lives. we spend a lot of money to locking them up police made 03 arrests in three separate killings within a six hours band last friday. the oakland police expect to start another 90 day plan. and honest man who took hostage at a school complex in france has released all of them and the art and surrendered to police sprayed it occurred in a
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commuter town just outside paris. one of the maone parent was hell hours. jury selection will wrap up this morning. both sides will give opening statements parade their children are suing for the loss of their mother. the children now live with their grandmother in russia. a gang member is waiting extradition for killing a family. a very dangerous skies,
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obviously he was willing to kill three people. he is a new member of the ms 13 investigators think the men mistook the family for a rival gang member. new protesters took over elier this year. under the new plant some of the property will become a senior housing complex. the rest of the property will become available for research for uc-davis.
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berkeley. the battle over a historic shift it will take center stage this evening. the ss it is owned by it's 5 06 right now, let's get a check on weather. its going to be smoking in hot in parts of the bay area.
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we're going to see some cool spot spread look about fog out there. a little dense in some spots early on. the belly is looking mostly squclear right now. in land it will heat up in their hurry. more on that in a moment, right now check on the rose with elizabeth we will take you off side, looking pretty good on the san mateo bridge print you are also looking good on of hayward. both directions are moving fine. let's go to our maps, we still have some areas of overnight
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road work. they have not reopen several lanes across the golden gate bridge great all lanes still locked on eastbound highway 4. the slowing sensors are now picking up speed. the fire began around 2 this morning on be a monte drive. the county fire department says the house has been vacant so no one was injured. the fire appeared to have started in the crotch. president rock obama a heads to iowa.
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obama wants congress to process a one-year extension on the bush era tax cuts for holmes morning muffin to under $50,000 a year. romney once you expand the tax cuts for all income levels. house republicans opposed to be health care reform law intend to repeal the debate today. we're anxious to get to this story. the debate over the repeal will
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begin in just a few hours. congress is back from the fourth of july and ready to get back to business. it will be the latest of the dozens of times to undermine the obamacare. the obvious side of the obamacare is that it is not affordable it definitely will be firing up the grass roots base. it will be very beneficial to the republicans romney plans to repeal the obama ^ lot if elected in november. in a new poll finds that
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congress \ it wants congress toe to repealing the law. and always comes down to this, it's politics. we're just a few months away from the election. a judge rejected the challenge from a competing tax campaign parade last month lawmakers passed the bill putting the governor's plan on top of the plan the bay area yoga teacher
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and said no to the wrong students. and also little freaked out, it was a quick moment. a kayaker face to face with a great white shark, and he is [ male announcer ] it would be easy for u.s. olympian meb keflezighi to deposit checks at the nearest citibank branch. ♪ like this one. ♪ or this one. ♪ or, maybe this one.
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♪ but when it's this easy to use citibank mobile check deposit at home...why would he? ♪ woooo! [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way.
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some disappointing news for taurus visiting the nation's capital. this summer they still will not be able to go inside the washington monument. there crake \ they have as much as 5 in. of rain and that cost flash flooding. one car had to be abandoned on the roadways because of the floodwaters.
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the lower 48 states just set a new record for the warmest temperature. it is going to be hot in spots, especially inlands. some of the fog has made its way into the bay. it looks like temperatures will stay cool out toward the coast line. this afternoon, we are going to be heating things out. temperatures heating up to the upper 90s in some spots. that ridge and is building in out in the four corners states.
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probably moving into the triple digits moving into tomorrow. the beginning of the evening hours are beginning to surge just inside 94 degrees in in morgan hill. 97 degrees in brentwood. 97 79 and oakland. 93 and hopped in santa rosa. more cooling back to normal as we head into the weekend. so far we're doing great. if your heading down the dublin change, 40 minutes is your
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commute time. the golden gate bridge just issued a possible dense fog and advisory through pacific then daly city. you could really see it heading across several cisco. all lanes open on highway 4. they were doing some overnight road work, it was scheduled to be finished by 530 but looks like a finished early. all of your drive times are looking good. some from the old mums past that i mentioned.
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that is traffic back to you guys. more evidence that how much you sleep impact how much you weigh purred researchers in germany found that to sleep deprivation raise the hong your hormones. a silicon it ballet you go instructor was fired for giving a disapproving book it if i'm in an environment where i don't feel like my skills are appreciated, i don't
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feel valued touche to it thought 30 year-old hope solos the sheet has cooperated with the anti doping. she's the of the didn'ingrediens in a medication that was prescribed
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we have infant structure in place, we have entitlements of approval the athletics that has made it clear that there are committed to making a ball park in san jose. today's split of the daand e day, a monster home run trad. it's 521, at eighth terrifying tell of one cocker's run in with a shark. a shark. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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around the bay area, a little drizzle toward the coast line,
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expect hot. new details coming up. its foggy across the golden gate bridge. traffic is nice and likes. things are looking good across the san mateo bridge. it will look at your morning commute coming up. a kayaker talking about a close call with a shark. it was off cape cod. he believes the shark was between 12 to 14 ft. long. i was a little freaked out. it was a quick moment and i had to react i looked at it them looked down at the body. fortunately i had plenty of practice time. experts say sharks are drawn
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to the shore because they are drawn to sills. don't beat the bears means exactly that. but that message doesn't seem to be getting across in loss angeles county. this beer was spotted hanging out in the tree last fish and game allow bp bear to come down on its own. a stranded hikers and said saving his own rest cure, the amazing story how he helped an injured officer.
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it lot of punches thrown at a little league game. how it all started over some loud music. the damage to the ,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid.
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you can't always avoid it. but you can always do something nice for your car. chevron with techron. care for your car. they call it the christmas tree house. it goes up in flames for the second time. sure there's fog out there, i temperatures are expected to soar well above the average. more on that coming up. we do new havhave a new sta
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there is some big news in the contra costa county. let's take it over to pat, and he's in martinez with the house that bird for the second time this year everyone here is just in shock. take a look at that these pictures houscaptured by a neig. it clade tin woke up and saw the flames and here's what he had to save i woke up to some popping. i look outside the window and it
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was bright orange. i knew the house was on fire a gallon. the fire was at to the christmas tree house thousands have come to see for 20 years. did they rebuild the house? of first they were going to demolish the house completely, but now this is completely taken under. crews in santa clara county is at the scene of another fire. it began around 2 this morning at a house on be a mountie drive.
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the house was they did so known was injured according to officials. there is no indication on what caused it. in other crime-fighting plan of for review. lisa is in oakland where police are checking results of their 90 day plan it's called the by lance suppression plan. oakland police will have hoped to reduce the numbers of crime. they will share the results to the public safety council. the first patrol area they noticed crime was down slightly. car thefts of and railways were up 9%.
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one community activist asks questions of the 90 day plan how many murders are we going to have in those 90 days. y'all got a a hundred block plant and you'll still got 90 murders >>62 murders. think you lisa. to people were shocked after a man tried to rob them
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and they resisted. both victims are expected to survive. it would ban people from sitting on sidewalks of commercial districts between seven and the morning and o'clock at night when council members plans to address it to with an alternative measure. he will unveil the plan tonight. some dense fog showing up around the bay area this morning. temperatures not too bad, mainly in the '50s outside. clear skies out there in the valley. 94 degrees in morgan hill. 88 degrees in san jose prayed 96
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in antioch. 94 eric degrees in walnut creek prayed in should be beautiful the route our region. it's going to get hot. so far we have not seen any major accidents. we have one installed coming on westbound 80. it's not impacting your drive time. it lot of are overnight road work has been picked up. including along that stretch of highway 85. here's all that fog that lawrence mentioned. we see it across the golden gate bridge. in fact, you still can't see
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any traffic from mill valley. the dystrophic come back to you guys. new tonight, mn in france is taken to the city after holding children and the parent hostage. but all were released and 40 million no one was hurt. the repeal has no chance of passing the senate, the bill is likely to pass the house tomorrow.
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but it will likely fill in the senate. the house begins debate interest a few hours. it is the repeal of the obamacare act. it will be the first time the congress has repealed the affordable care act. this has to be ripped out by its roots. this is the government taking over the entire health care industry. the truth is only insurance companies came from the repeal. mitt romney promises to repeal the health care lot of the elected in november. president obama's says the health care lot is good for america and it's time for congress to move on. 41% of interdependence once
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congress to continue to repeal the law. this is according to a poll. president obama's hitting the road today. third president plans to extend tax cuts for the low end middle income earners. president obama and plans another bay area visit to raise more campaign cash. is planned to be held at the fox theater. prices range from $100 to sit at
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the balcony to $7,500 for a floater reception. under support of one key supervisor is uncertain. christine is apparently under pressure to keep the system as is bite her constituents. the next country ours were the hardest things ,,,,,,,,,,,,, discover british columbia.
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visit: a look if this a brawl at a georgia little league game, on camera the fight broke out friday in columbus between fans of opposing teams this is little league. a report says the dispute started when a parent start a plan loud music and dance of death of a tame demanded he turned down the music police
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broke up the fight and arrested two people. it was during the game and the kids after the game should cans to show the parents we get along. european leaders have agreed on a bailout of spanish banks they will spend $30 billion on the bailout how much money spain needs not known until september the arizona has been about greece ireland and portugal. the spanish economy is larger than all those countries combined. the u.s. labor department announces new rules for 401k plans now and effect jill schlesinger of cbs money watch out, what changes are going to see? an interesting thank administrators of the mutual funds and insurance companies must disclose all fees they are
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charging to operate retirement plans the new rules require administrators report performance for each investment option, whee participants get access by the end of the summer by august 31st, a brown november. get a quarterly account statements shows all the fees deducted from your account you might get sick your stomach when you see that one. there are a lot of fees it can be substantial? total but over 30 or 40 years it can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars it is greg we have this information, but it does not change the fees are fees and we cannot control them. there are specific steps you can take to manage your retirement assets. we start with understanding your
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risk tolerance and time horizon if he had index funds use that it will use the cost of investment, if your plan uses mutual funds that carry commissions you'll notice that it will use the haven't a, or b or c those commissions, of your pocket all the employes can come to put together and try to get the employer to switch to lower- cost plant this can save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years. most people don't know how much they need to retire which is where we must guard on monday watched it, will help you calculate your retirement number nine is a brazilian plus one. i hope i get to retire. jill schlesinger think you
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5:46 a.m. a check on the weather with lawrence at least in some parts will be cooking we get a huge variety of temperature from the coast line and the valley's heat. right now patchy dense fog on the coast line and some drizzle. mostly clear for the interior valleys we are seeing fogged in napa valley. the temperatures will skyrocket up to 97 degrees in many in the spots. eighties around much of the bay, 60s on the coast line today is a spare the air day. the low clouds and fog pull back toward the coast line it will set for most of the afternoon to
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keep cool but the temperatures are the big story the next few days. 94 degrees at morgan hill and 80 at hayward east bay temperatures upper '90s, inside the bay a little bit of a sea breeze to keep cool. will slowly cool on thursday. traffic with elizabeth where are cruising with mobile 5 and allen brooks behind the wheel there on the nimbus headed to downtown oakland. not too bad of the morning commute. if you're north on 880 were falling this accident at the high street of ram it may be blocking the right lane approaching high street most of the activity on the off ramp. our coliseum cameron not picking
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up major slowing. sign up on 880 moving fine. the coliseum past the airport look in good of a way to a word it is a spare the air day you are encouraged to use mass transit. large system one is on time no delays. everything off to a nice start. you can see the fog across the deck of the golden gate bridge. i thought the conditions on highway 1 and parts of pacifica. back to you. the chp officer flying to rescue a hiker had rescued himself he was hit by bled on his chopper it happened north of redding in the shasta trinity forest near big bear lake. the injured hiker was a doctor
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with the help of an a hiker caught he went downhill to the gravely wounded chp officer and performed a life-saving procedure the next hundred yards the hardest thing i've ever done in my life he was supporting me as i trip over these rocks because i see him i know he is hurting of the men crammed into the chopper and airlift did to a hospital everyone is recovering. there fortunate that man was a doctor. 5:50 a.m. the next airline could be out for a speedy exit. a 360 on the bay bridge how they pulled off this done without anybody knowing about it in san francisco.
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[ male announcer ] olympic tennis players bob and mike bryan are always on the move. so they can't get to the bank to deposit a check. instead, they use citibank mobile check deposit. it's easy. they just snap a pic... ♪ hit send... and their checks are deposited right to their account. well almost all of their checks. stand back. seriously?
5:52 am
[ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. i'llwait... yeah...eryday valuwell, yeah, bacon.on. and my eggs sunny side-up. no, umm, over-easy. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 great choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. discover britvisit:lumbia.
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low clouds dense fog make its way across the bay area, it will be a hotter day high pressure builds over head. were falling and accident in oakland mobile 5 got off the 880 will have the latest online closures and delays. wild fire and colusa county has burned 1,600 a. the sites complex fired 10 percent contained, more than 1000 firefighters are battling it. no structures threatened. the cause under investigation. a fire in man is seen on
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national forest grows to 10,000 a.. it burns in rugged terrain, the fire has forced the closure of campgrounds and evacuation of several homes it is 10 percent contained. 5:54 a.m. videos of cars lined all around san francisco the newest thing. on the bay bridge run cable cars and the city hills rather racecar driver making a video for a commercial for the skateboard company. i appreciate the citizens of san francisco for putting up with us and makes an tire marks on the bridge. the film maker hired help to erase all the skid marks and got the c h p to block traffic on the bay bridge for a few minutes
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the got a couple of takes to shoot the video the city of san francisco got $1 million for letting it happen. people are willing to pay money to be the first ones to get off an airplane a new survey found 20 percent of respondents would do that, some as much as $20. no one charges an exit fee but the fees to be the first passenger of the plan range from 9 to $39 u.s. carriers rate over $1 billion in baggage and reservation change fees. would you pay to get off the plane first? and at never cared about getting off an airplane and a hurry. i would pay extra to reserve a seat at a movie theater. e-mail us at mornings at 5
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at cbs dot com i would of handed a 20 to walk off a planned. the a.l. verses that an elbow in the all-star game all eyes at kansas city. matt cain will be the starting pitcher for the national league. 556 a m starbucks adds extra buzz the of energy during launches today. a fire launches the a warehouse family for christmas displays it is in the east bay. the result is out for the oakland police department 90 day crime suppression plan.
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happy birthday! thank you, nana send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay. all you need is an email address or mobile number. you're welcome. take a step forward
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